No matter the circumstances of a motor vehicle collision, it is crucial that a police officer at the scene takes an official accident report.
An accident report in Louisiana contains information specific to your crash. The information documented by a police officer present at the scene can be used as evidence in any resulting insurance settlement or lawsuit. If you were injured or suffered property damage, it’s important to call the police so that they create a crash report that documents the incident and resulting damages. It could make all the difference in the future.
This report will contain information that could impact the claims process later on, and can mean the difference between a large insurance or court settlement, and an unsuccessful one.
The first section will include information on the most basic aspects of the crash, such as:
This section will include all pertinent details regarding the vehicles involved in the crash, including:
This portion of the accident report contains the pertinent personal information about the drivers involved in the crash and all other occupants in the vehicles, including:
If anyone involved in the crash suffered injuries or died as a result, the officer will record specific details pertaining to that individual in this section. Those details could include:
If citations are issued or expected to be issued against the at-fault driver, they will be listed in this section of the accident report. These are subject to change as the investigation develops.
In this section, the office will describe any significant damage to the vehicles involved. This portion is also subject to change, should mechanical damage resulting from the collision manifest itself at a later time.
If a commercial vehicle is involved in the crash, the investigator will list specific details regarding the vehicle and the entity that owns it, such as:
If poor weather and road conditions were a factor in the crash, the investigator would provide those details in this portion of the accident report.
In this section, the reporting officer will detail the circumstances that caused the crash to the best of their abilities. After all pertinent information regarding the collision is gathered, the officer can determine who may be at fault and what could have been done to avoid the incident.
In the final section of the accident report, the investigating officer will record their identification information and their role at the scene. This will include their time of arrival and their full name, badge number, and the agency they work for.
The officer should also list contact information, should it be needed by lawyers or insurance companies.
Having your official accident report file number on hand can expedite the process of locating your account. However, your report can still be found by providing the following:
You can request a copy of your crash report and relevant photos through the Louisiana State Police for a processing fee of $11.50. Alternatively, you can obtain an official copy of your crash report here at absolutely no cost to you!
You cannot file an official crash report without a police officer. You should provide this officer with as much information as you can, to ensure the report is as accurate as possible.
Under Louisiana state law, you are required to report your accident to the local police within 24-hours if the following occurred as a result:
Not only does a law enforcement official act as an impartial third party following a crash, their report could make a big difference when you file a claim with your insurance company.
The officer will provide an unbiased opinion regarding crucial aspects of the crash. In addition, they will gather as much information as possible at the scene in order to determine who is at fault.